December 11, 2022

Which content can you post on LinkedIn with Scheduled?

When sharing your ideas or your work on LinkedIn, you have several options to get LinkedIn’s consumer attention. From LinkedIn, you can share a text, an image, several images, a video, a carousel, or a poll.

The more you are visible on LinkedIn feeds, the more people think about you, your ideas, or your work. And to be more visible, you can combine two things: the frequency of your publication and the space you fill with your post.

Publish on LinkedIn frequently and use the proper format to fill the space, and you will win the game.

Being visible on LinkedIn daily or weekly for one year or two is challenging work. You need new ideas, and you need a plan. Notion and Scheduled are the best alternatives to help you reach your goal because you can focus on your content and forget how and when to publish.

Thanks to Notion, you can build your own system to organize your content.

Thanks to Scheduled, you don’t need another tool to publish this content on LinkedIn.

Now let’s see which format you can use with Scheduled to fill the space on LinkedIn feeds.

Scheduled is more powerful than your social media tool

By using Scheduled, you have more capacity than other social medial tools like Buffer or Hootsuite to publish your content on LinkedIn.

You’ll be able to publish a text, an image, a video, and the first comment on your LinkedIn posts.

Actually, if you can’t do it with Scheduled, you won’t be able to do it with another social media tool. The limits for Scheduled depend on the LinkedIn API. Today the API doesn’t cover all you can do natively on LinkedIn.

Publish a text on LinkedIn from Notion

Once Scheduled is connected to your Notion database, it will check the body and the properties of your Notion cards.

The body is used for the content you want to share on LinkedIn. The properties are necessary for the context of your posts:

  • When to post,
  • Where to post,
  • And the first comment.

Every text you add to your Notion card’s body will be published on LinkedIn. Every beak line you add will also be considered in your post.

Your text can contain emojis and bold characters. However, before using bold characters, you must be aware of the impact on the accessibility of your LinkedIn posts.

Publish an image on LinkedIn from Notion

Attaching an image with the text you want to publish on LinkedIn is simple. You have two options to do it from Notion:

  • You can drag and drop the image directly into your Notion card.
  • You can use the Notion shortcut “/image” to upload the picture.

Your image must be in the body of your Notion card and not as a property. You can put it anywhere in the body. Before the text, in the middle, or at the end, Scheduled will work.

Today, you can’t post multi-images from Notion. If you add two or more images to your Notion card, Scheduled will only take the first one.

Publish a video on LinkedIn from Notion

Sharing a video on LinkedIn from Notion works like sharing an image. You can either drag and drop your video into the body of the Notion card or use the Notion shortcut “/video.”

The position of the video in the body of the card doesn’t matter.

Bonus: publish the first comment on your LinkedIn posts from Notion

Compared to other social media tools, with Scheduled, you can automatically publish the first comment on your LinkedIn posts.

You just need to add a new property in your Notion database: sc_first_comment (with the type Text). For each content on Notion with the property filled, a first comment will be posted on LinkedIn.

You can read this article for more details about the importance of this first comment and how to set up Notion and Scheduled.

What about LinkedIn carousel and polls?

Unfortunately, you can’t create a LinkedIn carousel or a LinkedIn poll from your Notion database. Actually, you can’t do it from any social media tools. LinkedIn API doesn’t propose this functionality.

For the carousel format, LinkedIn is working on an improvement to post a carousel with images and not a PDF. This feature is open for a few creators and will be available at the end of this year.

Maybe we’ll also see an improvement with the API as soon as the carousel uses only images instead of PDF. Only time will tell.